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 Season of the Demon


What if there is a Safe Zone we could access in a Post Apocalyptic World?


4 out of 10 Americans are convinced we are living in the End of Days.


What if before Time God built earthly sanctuaries as refuge in Tribulation Times? Sacred Places guarded by Celestial Beings who watch over God’s Elect?


Join the author in a giant leap of faith, to an innocent time somewhere in Texas…a time where anything can happen – and just might – if we only have the ability to see…


The year is 1974; 11-year-old city girl Danielle is suddenly invited to her uncle’s cattle ranch, a sweeping, multigenerational treasure which the girl knows next-to-nothing about. Enter a Catahoula with a heart as big as Texas, along with a mercurial, one-legged cowhand who died over 60 years ago.


And a powerful, ancient demon, just a stone’s throw away.


It is here that two rival powers claim supremacy; one, a vile, eternal creature with a sense of depravity that knows no boundaries. Another, a trio of Heavenly Watchers ordered to guard one of earth’s remaining sanctuaries—miraculously intact at the brink of apocalypse.


Will you join in the supernatural conflict, rallying behind this chosen one, tested by Evil’s extremes?

Or will you serve as witness alongside the angels, N’Hith, Daniel and Asaiah?

Either way, you will forever be changed.


Your Ticket Awaits…


Do You Believe?  



“Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.” Revelation 3:10



HARMONY RIDGE: Season of the Demon

Coming Soon the first in the HARMONY RIDGE trilogy.



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